A Most Teachable Student with Artie Langston

This is the story of how to become the best in your art: by being an eager and hungry student willing to take risks. Artie Langston took advice from the beginning when elders understood his hunger to play the upright bass. He followed his dream around the world.
I've never heard Artie use Dr. Langston although he has a PhD in music from UT in Austin. He is truly a humble man who lives by the Buddhist guideline of "be kind to everyone and if you can't be kind, at least do no harm." One show could not begin to cover the wealth of stories he has in his book of life. Artie was raised and 'schooled' by the best in Jefferson City, New Orleans, San Francisco, Kansas City, New York, and more. He is back in Missouri taking care of family, playing locally, and still doing gigs in the US and Europe. We've included a number of songs he played on and think you'll really enjoy the show. At the time of airing, Artie will be part of the live music in Disenchanted in Jefferson City.
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