"Cook for ya, Baby" with Alphonso Sanders
Dr. Sanders is the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Lincoln University (MO) as well as an accomplished musician and music educator. He came to LU from Mississippi Valley State U where he was Dir. of the BB King Recording Studio and Chair of the Fine Arts Dept.
Alphonso Sanders, born in Georgia, found his way to Itta Bena, MS and the Delta sound. Blues and Jazz on trumpet and sax led to an academic career and a bond with BB King and so many other musicians and promoters. We talk a bit about Lincoln University and the current Covid-19 situation, but more about his journey from being raised by his grandmother, 'finding' the trumpet in high school, 'chance' meetings, and a rich musical and academic career that often blended. Hear about "the Chitlin Circuit," Tibetan burial rituals, Mississippi Influences and more.
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