Disruptive StoryTeller with Jessica Tifase

Jessica Tifase is a first generation American of Nigerian parents who live in Houston, TX. She is finishing her bachelor's degree in Visual Studies and calls herself a Disruptive StoryTeller using digital media as her platform. A Documentary on the 2015 Uprising is her final project.
Jessica Tifase started out in Journalism at Mizzou but realized she wanted to tells stories her own way and switched to Visual Studies. It has been a stressful but fruitful journey bringing her a top award at this year's Visual Arts Showcase. She interviewed Reuben Faloughi this last December and realized how the efforts of Black student protests past and present are seriously downplayed and considered taboo to discuss. That inspired her all the more to learn the true story and keep it alive as a way to improve the University. "I love Mizzou." 
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