"I Believe in Miracles" with Gerry & Denise Dignan

Gerry & Denise Dignan of Chicago fill the hour with songs and reflection on their journeys and our world. Some of their touchstones are love at first sight, improvisation, the kindness of others, Mystery Schools, Music Together, tours of Ireland, Peg Rubin, and more.
Gerry & Denise met in high school and have been a dear loving couple ever since. Denise was introduced to Jean Houston's work and she and Gerry developed a close relationship with Jean and her Mystery Schools and Social Artistry Intensives. David Darling and his Art of Improvisation helped them in music creation and performance. Gerry's career of teaching Spanish to 4th graders opened unexpected doors and Music Together did the same. Leading Irish tours to his generational past plumbed the sacred and magical. I Believe in Miracles. Peggy Rubin's Evolutionary Journey Workshops kept their creativity bubbling.
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