Painting from Life with Jane Mudd

Art never left Jane's life for long even raising 3 kids in the country and going to graduate school. She speaks reverently of her mentors and so grateful for the many, many folks that provided support all along the way. Retired from teaching, she's still a busy painter on the prowl.
Jane Mudd got her BFA in St. Louis and moved to the country close to Fulton, MO with her husband, Tom. Log cabins, 3 kids, farming, driving a school bus and more never slowed her painting down much. Her Masters at MU connected her to Frank Stack and others and put her in the classroom teaching. William Woods hired her and she grew her craft learning through teaching art history and many other art subjects. Jane is part of Orr Street Studios in Columbia, MO and was promoting a "Thank you, friends of Orr" party and fundraiser. Her passion is so positive!
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