Planet of the Humans with Jeff Gibbs

Composer, writer, director and producer Jeff Gibbs shares the feedback on his movie, Planet of the Humans, and his hope for serious dialogue on the complex and deadly problems facing our world today. Population plus consumption continue to skyrocket beyond planetary endurance. Please watch the movie.
Planet of the Humans takes us behind the scenes of our environmental crisis. Solar panels, wind turbines, and burning bio-mass for energy production have a greedy back story at the expense of all lives on the planet, including ours. Outright lies from leadership in the movement become mantras for the young people that inherit the ecocide of industrialization. Do we plant trees or cut them down by the millions as the bio-mass industry is doing? Who comes to the table to seriously discuss global change to heal what is left? How does change happen? Please watch the movie and create discussion hubs around the world. If it is to be, it is up to US!
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