The Dromenon Project with Elizabeth Austin
Elizabeth Austin is the Founder and Director of The Dromenon Project. She has been organizing and leading Dromenon (labyrinth) walks in Ashland Oregon every New Years for over 20 years. This is an ancient and active meditation practice based on the labyrinth in Chartres Cathedral.
The Dromenon Project has it's roots in ancient history--at least as far back as 2000 b.c.e. Linda Austin became aware of the 11-Chartres Labyrinth in Memphis, TN connected to a Paul Winter album. A few spiritual steps later, she met Jean Houston and Peggy Rubin and started participating in Jean's Mystery Schools where the term Dromenon (path or road) was used in reference to the labyrinth. This present project is done via Zoom using "Finger Labyrinths" in 2-hour sessions every two weeks. It's billed as "Inner Pilgrimages for Modern Times."
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