"The Story We Are Living" with Skye Burn
Skye Burn grew up in the 50s on a remote island in the Salisch Sea (Puget Sound) without electricity or running water. In 1979 during Jungian therapy, she had a vision that became her life work. Forty years of research and preparation has led to "The Story We Are Living."
Skye Burn's vision in 1979 became the basis for understanding human beings and our motivations. Many researchers have noticed human history and values divided into three periods: before agriculture (10,000 years ago), from 10,000 years ago up to the last 150 years or so, and now. Skye understands Story has the same 3 parts: beginning, middle, and end. She discovered this 3-part pattern in many areas and disciplines and has begun to write extensively about her findings as narrated by the mythic Dr. Doe, a depth psychologist for the protagonist (humanity). We talked about all this and more.
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