"Write on Race" with Nicketa Nicola Coombs

Nicketa is a PhD candidate in School Psychology at Mizzou heading out for her internship in Wisconsin. We talked about her research project ("Write on Race"), racial injustice/Social Justice, Cultural Competence, and why you need consent to ask a black person their take on race.
Nicketa Nicola Coombs has built an excellent, holistic foundation for working in School Psychology with her degrees in Exercise Science, Wellness, Education, and Psychology. Black women are some of the least protected demographic in the US and it hasn't been easy for Nicketa. To relieve and reduce stress, she turns to nature, silence and meaning quotes. She is putting together a book of the top quotes to be able to share with others. The School to Prison Pipeline is of great concern to Nicketa. She works to increase quality in relationships, equity in school discipline and correcting the disparities due to race, gender, sexual identity, and sexual orientation. Her internship starts in September.  
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